Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New People

So when i moved up here i was pretty scared. I knew it was the right place to go, and it is exactly where God wanted me to be. I knew absolutely no one, and was worried about meeting people that were going to build me up in Christ. When bryan, and whit were still coming i was 100% fine with being up here because i would have two wingmen by my side. But now it was just me. It was intimidating. It was going to be a challenge but i knew that God wanted me to face this challenge head on. God was going to show me amazing things, and i was going to be a part of something that only he could plan.

Since i have arrived hear i have taken each day on step at a time. I have always made sure to be in constant contact with God. Always thinking about him, and trying to pray as much as possible. I wanted him to guide my steps and actions in every aspect of my life. The first week i was here i was lonely. I had no one really. When morgan came back from nepal i had one friend. One solid friend in Christ. I kept thinking that this was going to be it. I was going to have no relationships. Little did i know what God had planned for me.

I continued to pray about meeting people that i could develop strong relationships with. The kind of relationships i had built up over so many years at ECU. I wanted to talk about God, and about struggles. I wanted people i could grow with. I met plenty of people like that but they were all 30, and had kids. I couldn't really relate to them that well. Through all of this i continued to worry, and become burdened. It was not easy. I missed bryan, whit, matt, phil, aaron, strothman, heather, stevo, john, daniel, tessa, laura, ETC....... I missed all of those friendships rooted in Christ. I wanted to meet some guys that i could grow with. I felt like it was never going to happen. The guys i met i didn't mesh with, or they were too old, or they were not christians.

This week God has taken all of those worries and has thrown them out the window. Chad (the vannormans son) came home from california this week and we began to hang out. He introduced me to his close friends and they made me feel at home. Tonight we hung out again and chad, stewie, and I had a hour long conversation about Jesus, and our lives. It was exactly what i needed. I realized i was in the middle of God answering a prayer. I wanted to weep i was so overwhelmed with the holy spirit. It was such a blessing to be able to share with someone my age, and someone who was like me. Who faced the things that i was facing. God has been blessing me more, and more everyday. Im so lucky to be a part of this plan and i can not wait to be able to impact Gods kingdom in ways he only knows.

in Christ.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Thats so Indie

So i figured i would do something a little bit different than just update on my day to day life in this post. So many times i talk about not being mainstream, or be "indie". I have kinda made it into a joke. But I figured i would share my reasons for not wanting to be mainstream, and wanting to do things a little different.

Its not really about music at all. Yes, that is a part of it, but the main focus is just not supporting what the whole of society supports. I kinda think being a christian is one of the biggest forms of being "indie". I do not like how society, and the media put so much pressure on girls to look a certain way, and how guys are supposed to behave a certain way. I think so much of media supports that and i am guilty of helping some of that but thats the main reason i dont listen to music on the radio because its all about looking good, or getting drunk, and just being "cool". So i tend to stay away from that stuff. But being indie can also stem out to supporting a local place you like to eat. Being loyal to something or someone.

My walk with God has become more and more "indie" as i have grown. When i was young in my walk i did the things a "christian" was supposed to do. I read the bible, went to church, sang songs, the whole 10 yards. But i did not really grasp what the root of the gospel was, and what God wanted for my life. I am now so much more open to different forms of worship, and i respect where people come from in a totally different way. I see how real, and powerful the gifts of the spirt can be when they are used in the correct way. I see that God is not up in heaven keeping a score card of your sins, but is glorified in how you use what he has equipped you with. We have to use our talents to fulfill the great commission. If we can not accomplish that as christians than what are we doing? Why are we here? Are we not just wasting what God has given us if we go to church, and do the things that "christians" are supposed to do. Stray from the path of mainstream Christianity and embrace the indie side. Go somewhere no one has gone with no money and just let God provide and spread his love. Use your talents that he has given you in creative ways. God has given us all so many unique gifts, and if we are one body and can combine all of our talents who knows what we will accomplish.

I hope this all made sense seeing as i was just rambling on about a bunch of stuff. Hopefully it helped someone someway.

in Christ.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Life out of college

Since i have started to work and have been out of college its been quite weird. You don't find yourself staying up late anymore. I get up early, and go to bed early. I don't remember the last time i was up past 12, and usually im out by 11. Im never up later than 9 anymore, and it is for sure a different life. Im not opposed to this life its kinda nice. It is just so different from what the past four years of my life have been. I am still adjusting but it has been good. Heather coming and visiting has was great, and was so much fun. We went and walked around downtown norfolk, and ghent which was a really cool area. Im constantly thinking about places to live, and have a family which is crazy. I can not go to an area with out picturing Heather and I living there. Being engaged, and in a different place that is going to be your home for the next couple of years is crazy. So much has changed in my life recently. So many big steps in my life i feel are coming so quickly. God has prepared me though with a good support group and providing me with people who are willing to help in virginia beach.

in Christ.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sorry for the lack of Bloggage

So i have not blogged recently just due to me going to ohio with Heather's family and working, and being tired. So i guess i have much stuff to keep my loyal readers (whit, heather, blake, and bryan) informed on.

So Ohio was great!!! The first night there i met all of heather's close relatives. Her grandpa Melvin was super awesome and probably one of the nicest people i have ever met in my life. We all ate pizza and judged which one was better. It sounds like torture i know but i some how made it through. I ended up eating around 8 slices of pizza so i could come to a conclusion. After pizza we all took part in a volley ball game it was very fun and i tired my best to not be over competitive. The next morning i proceeded to go to the annual basketball game that is played at the reunion. Like always the people automatically assumed that i sucked, then i proceeded to win every game that i played that day. I think i played around 8 games total. After that we went to the reunion where i was bombarded with tons of friendly people. I have never shaken so many hands in my life. I then ate about 3 pounds of food, and home made ice cream was also included. The next morning we sang and the Maravian church in the choir. The sermon was about being in the middle on situations and not taking a stand on one side or the other............. interesting church service. After church we left ohio and headed back for Raleigh i had a blast and cant wait to do it again in the future.

These past dew days in VA Beach i have been busy working. I have been learning how to open the restaurant, and met with a guy from the corporate office the past two days. I have been assigned readings, and a ton of different material that i need to start knowing for the manager training program.

The van normas daughter morgan is now at home so it gives me someone my age to talk to. We have played some cards and did random things together. She is really nice and its nice to have someone my age around. She is going to take me to the beach tomorrow for the first time which im very excited for. I feel like al i have done up here is work and read manuals. So it will be nice to actually experience the beach for once.

That is all i have for now, and im going to start trying to blog about more important things like Jesus and my walk with him. I just have not been reading much lately so i need to fix that.

In Christ.