Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sorry for the lack of Bloggage

So i have not blogged recently just due to me going to ohio with Heather's family and working, and being tired. So i guess i have much stuff to keep my loyal readers (whit, heather, blake, and bryan) informed on.

So Ohio was great!!! The first night there i met all of heather's close relatives. Her grandpa Melvin was super awesome and probably one of the nicest people i have ever met in my life. We all ate pizza and judged which one was better. It sounds like torture i know but i some how made it through. I ended up eating around 8 slices of pizza so i could come to a conclusion. After pizza we all took part in a volley ball game it was very fun and i tired my best to not be over competitive. The next morning i proceeded to go to the annual basketball game that is played at the reunion. Like always the people automatically assumed that i sucked, then i proceeded to win every game that i played that day. I think i played around 8 games total. After that we went to the reunion where i was bombarded with tons of friendly people. I have never shaken so many hands in my life. I then ate about 3 pounds of food, and home made ice cream was also included. The next morning we sang and the Maravian church in the choir. The sermon was about being in the middle on situations and not taking a stand on one side or the other............. interesting church service. After church we left ohio and headed back for Raleigh i had a blast and cant wait to do it again in the future.

These past dew days in VA Beach i have been busy working. I have been learning how to open the restaurant, and met with a guy from the corporate office the past two days. I have been assigned readings, and a ton of different material that i need to start knowing for the manager training program.

The van normas daughter morgan is now at home so it gives me someone my age to talk to. We have played some cards and did random things together. She is really nice and its nice to have someone my age around. She is going to take me to the beach tomorrow for the first time which im very excited for. I feel like al i have done up here is work and read manuals. So it will be nice to actually experience the beach for once.

That is all i have for now, and im going to start trying to blog about more important things like Jesus and my walk with him. I just have not been reading much lately so i need to fix that.

In Christ.

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