Saturday, July 17, 2010

Thats so Indie

So i figured i would do something a little bit different than just update on my day to day life in this post. So many times i talk about not being mainstream, or be "indie". I have kinda made it into a joke. But I figured i would share my reasons for not wanting to be mainstream, and wanting to do things a little different.

Its not really about music at all. Yes, that is a part of it, but the main focus is just not supporting what the whole of society supports. I kinda think being a christian is one of the biggest forms of being "indie". I do not like how society, and the media put so much pressure on girls to look a certain way, and how guys are supposed to behave a certain way. I think so much of media supports that and i am guilty of helping some of that but thats the main reason i dont listen to music on the radio because its all about looking good, or getting drunk, and just being "cool". So i tend to stay away from that stuff. But being indie can also stem out to supporting a local place you like to eat. Being loyal to something or someone.

My walk with God has become more and more "indie" as i have grown. When i was young in my walk i did the things a "christian" was supposed to do. I read the bible, went to church, sang songs, the whole 10 yards. But i did not really grasp what the root of the gospel was, and what God wanted for my life. I am now so much more open to different forms of worship, and i respect where people come from in a totally different way. I see how real, and powerful the gifts of the spirt can be when they are used in the correct way. I see that God is not up in heaven keeping a score card of your sins, but is glorified in how you use what he has equipped you with. We have to use our talents to fulfill the great commission. If we can not accomplish that as christians than what are we doing? Why are we here? Are we not just wasting what God has given us if we go to church, and do the things that "christians" are supposed to do. Stray from the path of mainstream Christianity and embrace the indie side. Go somewhere no one has gone with no money and just let God provide and spread his love. Use your talents that he has given you in creative ways. God has given us all so many unique gifts, and if we are one body and can combine all of our talents who knows what we will accomplish.

I hope this all made sense seeing as i was just rambling on about a bunch of stuff. Hopefully it helped someone someway.

in Christ.

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